Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Comparing Love after Love and This Room Essay -- Derek Walcott Imtiaz

Comparing Love after Love and This RoomThe two poems with which I comp be each other are both poems ofcelebration. Celebration of life, savour and your identity. The first isLove after Love by Derek Walcott. This poem is about self-discovery.Walcott suggests that we spend years assuming an identity, notwithstandingeventually discover who we really are - and this is like two differentpeople meeting and making friends and sharing a meal together. Walcottpresents this in terms of the love feast or observance of the Christianchurch - Eat...Give wine. Give bread. And it is not clear whetherthis other person is merely human or in some way divine, this is alsoan overbearing which would suggest that they are divine and so have aright to give orders. But it could just be advice.The second poem, with which I will be comparing Love after Love isImtiaz Dharkers This room a poem again, about the joys of life andhow it should be enjoyed and absorbed. This is a quite puzzling poem,if we chasti se to find an explicit and exact interpretation - but itsgeneral meaning is clear enough, it suggests that Imtiaz Dharker seesrooms and furniture as possibly limiting or imprisoning one, but when win over comes, it is as if the room is breaking out of itself thisline is obviously a metaphor, which I believed to mean that the roomis alive and it is liberating itself.., I think this agent that if themere room is doing this, that you should liberate yourself. Shepresents this rather literally, with a bizarre or surreal vision ofroom, bed and chairs breaking out of the house and rising up - thechairs crashing through clouds suggesting upward motion. Thecrockery, meanwhile, crashes together noisily in celebration. And... ... This Room In the poem our homes and possessions symbolizeour lives and ambitions in a limiting sense, while change and newopportunities are likened to space, light and empty air, where thereis an opportunity to move and grow. Like Walcotts Love after Love, itis abo ut change and individualised growth - but at an earlier point, orperhaps at repeated points in ones life.In my opinion, both poems do an excellent job of supporting(a) a love oflife, and making it seem very attractive and using metaphors for it tomake it seem less serious. This is definitely a good thing. Both distinguishthat you should live your life as you wish and should take advantageof every second of it. To conclude, I believe these poems both hold astrong object lesson point. Why should you become someone else to satisfysocietys needs? The resounding answer from both poems? You shouldnt.

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