Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Attention Deficit Disorder Essay -- essays research papers

Attention Deficit Disorder     Approximately 3-5% of all American children have an Attention DeficitDisorder (ADD). ADD is a leading ca occasion of school failure and under-achievement.ADD characteristics often arise in early childhood. As many as 50% of childrenwith ADD ar never diagnosed. Boys significantly outnumber girls, though girls be more likely to be undiagnosed with ADD. "ADD is not an attention affection,but a disorder of impulse control ( Seminar notes Barkeley) ."      Characteristics of Attention Deficit Disorder can include Fidgetingwith hands or feet , intemperatey remaining seated, awaiting turns in games,following through on instructions , shifting from one uncompleted task toanother, difficulty playing quietly, interrupting conversations and intrudinginto other childrens games, appearing to be not listening to what is being said,doing things that are dangerous without thinking about the consequences.  &nb sp  Most scientist now believe that a brain dysfunction or abnormality inbrain chemistry could be to blame for the symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder.The frontal lobes of the brain are thought to be most responsible for theregulation of behavior and attention. They receive information from the glowerbrain, which regulated arousal and screens incoming messages from within andoutside of the body. The limbic system , a group of related nervous systemstructures located in the midbrain and linked to emotions and feelings, alsosends messages to the frontal lobes. Finally, the frontal lobes are suspected tobe the site of working computer storage, the place where information about the immediateenvironment is considered for memory storage, planning, and future-directedbehavior. Scientist believe the activity in the frontal lobes is depressed inpeople with ADD. Studies show a decrease in the ability of the ADD brain to useglucose, the bodys main source of energy, leading to slow er and less efficientactivity. Neurotransmitters provide the connection between one nerve cell andanother. In essence, neurotransmitters allow galvanizing impulses to pass acrosssynapses from one neuron to another. It is now suspected that people withAttention Deficit Disorder have a chemical imbalance of a class ofneurotransmitters called ... ... important andeffective interventions for a child with ADD. Effective training will teachparents how to apply strategies to manage their childs behavior and improvetheir relationship with their child.     Without consistent structure and clearly defined expectations and limits,children with ADD can become quite confused about the behaviors that areexpected of them.     Making and keeping friends is a difficult task for children with ADD. Avariety of behavioral excesses and deficits common to these children get in theway of friendships. They may talk too much, dominate activities, intrude inothers g ames, or quit a game before its done. They may be unable to payattention to what another child is saying, not respond when someone else triesto come out and activity, or exhibit inappropriate behavior.     I decided to write my research paper on Attention Deficit Disorderbecause my four-year old step-brother has recently been diagnosed with thedisorder. I hope that my relationship with my brother can become closer nowthat I have a better understanding of what he is suffering from.

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